Building blocks

Xamarin Forms Azure DevOps build/release for Enterprise apps

In January last year, I wrote about building and deploying Xamarin iOS apps using Azure DevOps. I wanted to write about the Android process but never mustered the energy to do it. Nevertheless, today is the day I will. Not a ton has changed since then. Perhaps, the most relevant change is that last time I showed how to deploy directly to the store and this time I want to show how to deploy as an Enterprise app....

April 19, 2020 · 3 min · LPains

Setting up an Azure DevOps agent behind a proxy with self-signed certificate.

In case you can’t or don’t want to use the Microsoft hosted agents (why?), setting up your own build servers is not too hard. Of course, I hope you don’t have to deal with a proxy server. In the unlikely scenario that you have a proxy server, I honestly hope you don’t have one with a self-signed certificate. Now, if you have to deal with all of this, I feel you....

April 7, 2020 · 2 min · LPains

Automatic release notes on Azure DevOps

If you are neck-deep into DevOps using Azure DevOps, chances are that you have your code on a git repository, have PBIs or Stories, are using Pull requests, Builds, and releases. If you are doing all of this good stuff, great! Carry on and I will show you how to get that shiny cherry on top of your cake. If you are not, you can probably benefit from this post too, but you will have to figure out how to do the same using the tools you love....

April 2, 2020 · 3 min · LPains

MVC with Windows Authentication and WIF

Overview In the previous post, I proposed a “better” way to handle authentication and authorization in web applications for Enterprise. What I’m going to demonstrate in this post is something rather common in corporate intranets: How to integrate Windows Authentication for intranet web applications using MVC, Windows Identity Foundation 4.5 (WIF) and Claims based auth. WIF 4.5 From MSDN: Windows Identity Foundation 4.5 is a set of .NET Framework classes for implementing claims-based identity in your applications....

October 20, 2016 · 4 min · LPains