In case you can’t or don’t want to use the Microsoft hosted agents (why?), setting up your own build servers is not too hard. Of course, I hope you don’t have to deal with a proxy server. In the unlikely scenario that you have a proxy server, I honestly hope you don’t have one with a self-signed certificate. Now, if you have to deal with all of this, I feel you. I put some notes together on how to get this setup done and have builds and releases running on your own agents flawlessly.

Setting up DevOps agent behind a proxy

Microsoft has documentation on how to setup an agent behind a proxy. This works well so I will not repeat what they say. Basically, you will config the agent using below command:

./config.cmd --proxyurl --proxyusername "myuser" --proxypassword "mypass"

This works well because the agent creates proxy configuration variables that the tasks can use. Most Microsoft maintained tasks (e.g. Nuget, npm, VS build/test, etc) will automatically use these variables.

Fixing the self-signed certificate error

Self Signed Certificate In Chain

The next issue you might find is that your proxy uses self-signed certificates (why? just somebody tell me why!). If this happens, you will get the self signed certificate in certificate chain error. This happens because your proxy is doing a man in the middle attach on you. Without going into the reasons this would be ok, your proxy is replacing the original cert served to you with a cert of its own. To get rid of this error, you should trust your proxy’s cert to let it do its thing.

First, export the cert root CA into a .cer or .pem file. Ensure you select Base 64 instead of DER encoding (I was lazy and reused an old gif from [Install Root CA cert in Android emulator]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/ %})):

Export Certificate

Save the cert file to your build server and set a variable NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS to point to it.

setx NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS "c:\AzureDevOpsAgent\ProxyCACert.cer"

If you need to install several CA certificates, you can concatenate the content of the files together and change the file extension to .pem and changing your NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS export. Example of the .pem file:

base 64 encoded cert

base 64 encoded cert

base 64 encoded cert

Setting this environment variable fixed issues with nuget, npm, and git. There might be other task types that are not covered, but the basics should be.

Cheers, Lucas